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Maqbool Fida Husain

Maqbool Fida Husain was born in 1913 in Pandharpur, Maharashtra. A self-taught artist, he came to Mumbai in 1937, determined to become a painter. In 1948, he was invited by F N Souza to join the Progressive Artists ' Group. Husain began his career by painting billboards for feature films and making furniture designs and toys, to earn a living. His works are mostly inspired by the themes that blended folk, tribal and mythological art to create vibrantly contemporary, living art forms. His rise as a public figure had as much to do with his style and presentation, as it did with his themes. He depicted the icons of Indian culture, through the ages, seeking to capture the quintessence of his subjects, like Mother Teresa and the characters of epics like the Mahabharata.

MF Huss...

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Some of Artworks

Untitled (The Lost Continent)
Oil on Canvas, 72" x 90"
Watercolour on Paper, 20.1" x 28.3"